Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day

I did not take one picture on Mother's Day. So this is a word only post.

I had a very nice Mother's Day. I got all my gifts early this year because I bought them for myself and wanted to use them before Mother's Day. So I did not get any gifts yesterday except for a few special ones from the kids.

The day started out with a great breakfast made by Matt and the kids. Then we went to church and I spoke in sacrament meeting and taught Relief Society.

Then I sat myself down on the couch and didn't move for quite sometime. I told Matt what I I wanted for Mother's day was to not have to make food for anyone all day. So after church we pretty much just ate my Great Harvest loaf of bread I got from the ward for Mother's day.

I sat and watched movies and TV and snuggled with Matt on the couch while the kids played upstairs. It was great.
Brandon wanted to make me a crown, so Emma helped him make one out of tinfoil and pipe cleaners. It was awesome and I wore it all afternoon.
Jake's favorite thing is candy so his gift was sharing his miniature snickers he got from church with me and also letting me have one of his dum dum suckers. That is a big deal to a kid who loves candy and hides it in his room.
Emma and Matt made chicken alfredo for dinner and it was yummy. Then Matt and Jake made some chocolate chip cookies for dessert.
It was a great relaxing day and the kids didn't even fight. Yeah for Mother's Day 2010.


Kellie DeMille said...

No fighting from the kids? That sounds like the best gift ever! You did GREAT yesterday and you deserved a nice break :)

Sarah said...

Sounds like a great day! We also had the bread for lunch. Your sacrament mtg. talk was great yesterday.

Rachael said...

That is all I ever want on Mother's Day...not to make meals and no fighting kids! That is it!!!!

JENN said...

I've been thinking about you lately. Glad your mother's day was wonderful.

Natalie N said...

I cannot believe you had to speak and teach on the same day. YIKES! So glad to hear you were able to kick your feet up and relax for the rest of mother's day. No meals + No fighting = a perfect day!! Woo-hoo!

p.s.--I would have loved to see a picture of the crown! Sounds adorable.