My family (The Medleys) all met in Marysvale, Utah the week before school started. It was so fun to get everyone together. The last time we all got together was 2 years ago. Brothers and sister, sister-in-laws and brother-in-laws. Aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents. We all stayed at my dad's RV park for 3 days. We did a lot in those 3 days.
We played Trivial Pursuit a lot while eating peanuts and m&m's which is a Medley family tradition. The kids went horseback riding. We went on a ride in the mountains for 4 hours and had a blast. While in the mountains we panned for gold in the stream, went on nature walks, ate treats and had rock tumbling contests which consists of throwing the biggest rock you can carry off the cliff and see whose goes the furthest. We had lots of yummy food to eat at the "The Garage" (the restaurant my dad owns). We did take a family picture but that will be posted later. There was also lots and lots of talking, and laughing.
Horseback Riding
Getting geared up for the ride in the mountains.
Matt, me, Marshall (my brother) and his wife Nadine, my dad, Kate(my sis-in-law)and Mark(my brother).
Me and my dirty but cute family.