Saturday, January 24, 2009

We keep our boys haircut very short. Pretty much buzzed military style. We bought a clipper set to do the haircuts ourself. The little cape that comes with the set was a joke so we came up with our own cape. A garbage bag. We cut a hole in the bottom, stick the boys head through it and tape it up in the back. It worked awesome. Maybe I should patented the idea. Below you can see Brandon modeling it for you.


bloodfamily said...

Great idea...I used to use these when my kids colored Easter eggs.

Sarah said...

Melissa this is a great idea. We also give at home haircuts and my cape ripped many months ago. This is the perfect solution. The towel I was using just doesn't cut it.

Rachael said...

Great idea! I don't give any of my kids hair cuts-i learned when Alexis was 4 I have no business holding scissors.