Saturday, June 12, 2010

Brandon's 4th Birthday

Brandon's 4th birthday was May 30th. We celebrated his birthday the week before with a "Spiderman" party. Brandon had wanted a "Superhero" party but we couldn't find what he was looking for so he settled on "Spiderman". He only invited 7 little friends. We planned on playing a few games and eating pizza, and of course cake and ice cream.

Here is Brandon with a few of his friends enjoying their pizza.

This is one of the games we made. Basically a bean bag toss but, Emma drew pictures of spiderman's enemies for the kids to attack or kill or whatever they wanted to call it. Emma drew, the Green Goblin, Sandman, and Venom(the bad spiderman).

We also played "pin the spiderman on the city scene" compliments of Emma again. It was pretty cool with more enemies placed throughout the city for the kids to place a spiderman on to "get" the bad guy.

This is the best I could do for a cake but Brandon liked it and that is all that counts. He did however insist that I add a smiley face to it. (It is not in this picture)

The highlight of the party was when Spiderman made a surpirse visit. He brought mini frisbees for all the boys and played some games with all the boys.

Each of the boys got their picture taken with Spiderman. They all thought it was pretty cool.
Spiderman was my awesome dad who actually surprised us by driving down from Utah, buying a costume and coming to the party. (He did the same thing for Jake's 4th birthday but dressed up as Batman)
Brandon was really funny when Spiderman came. I am sure he recognized his Grandpa's voice. He just stood there for a minute and I asked him what was wrong and he said "Spiderman is suppose to be skinny." (Sorry buddy this Spiderman is almost 68 years old.)
This is of course Brandon blowing out his candles. I don't know why but pictures of my kids blowing out the candles on their cakes are some of my favorite photos.Last but not least was the opening of all the gifts. As you can see Brandon enjoyed this part of the party.Brandon's birthday was a fun day and very easy to plan. I make my kids wait until they are 4 years old to have their first "friends" party. I would have to say it was a success. I think Brandon would agree.


Kellie DeMille said...

What a fun party! Tyson had a blast!!

Sarah said...

Your dad is so much fun! He makes a great Spiderman.

Natalie N said...

Oh I want to hug that 68 year old Spiderman. What a fun Grandpa! Loved hearing all about Brandon's super fun party. Nice work Emma and everyone!

Tyler and Mindy said...

I did not know this about Milo. Now I am aware and I am intrigued. Where does he keep these costumes? Are there others? That is fun. Addy wants a princess party. Do you think he would be down with that?