Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jake's Pine Wood Derby 2010

Now that Jake is in Cubscouts he was able to participate in the Pine Wood Derby. His kit came with a block of wood, 4 tires and 2 axels. Jake designed his car and traced it on the wood. The only thing Matt did was cut the wood out and supervise with the rest. Here is Jake sanding his car to perfection. Later he spray painted it and did a great job.
Jake was able to have his car race in the ward Pine Wood Derby but Matt had to do it for him because Jake got strep throat that day and couldn't go. His car did "Ok" but Matt knew it could do better. Lucky for Jake he got a second chance to watch his car race at the Stake Pine Wood Derby.

This was the big weigh in for the Stake Pine Wood Derby. They had a great scale and Matt and Jake kept adding weights to it until they reached the 5 oz. limit.

All Jake's hard work paid off. He got 2nd place in our ward. He was pretty excited about it too.

The proud father and son.

This being our first Pine Wood Derby was pretty fun. I really had nothing to do with the car building but it was fun to watch Matt and Jake work together. The races were really fun to watch too.
I never did get a really good picture of the car, but trust me it was cool.


Sarah said...

How exciting to get 2nd place! The car looks very cool.

Natalie N said...

Woo-hoo! Good for you guys! The pinewood derby is always an exciting scouting milestone. :)

Rachel H. said...

Just wait for Wednesday, our skit is going to knock your socks off! Jake is so fun to have in wolf den, he's a natural leader!

Maggie said...

I've got to tell you that I have really enjoyed having Jake in Cub Scouts. He's such a good kid!