Saturday, July 31, 2010

Jake earns his Wolf Badge

Jake has been in cubscouts for 9 months now. In that 9 months he was wrestling for 4 of the 9 months. Since he was busy wrestling he was unable to attend his Wednesday night cubscout meetings. (In the meetings the cubscouts work on goals and pass of requirements towards their wolf badge.) So in an effort to catch up with what he missed, Jake has been working extra hard to pass off all his requirements to get his Wolf badge. Not only did he pass of his Wolf badge but he also passed of 50+ elective achievements to earn one gold arrow point and 4 silver arrow points.
Here is Jake receiving his award from the Cubscout Master.
This is Jake very carefully putting my wolf badge pin on.
This is me being very proud of my son, and Jake being very proud of himself.

Way to go Jake!!!!


Maggie said...

Tell Jake congratulations for me! I am very proud of the hard work he put into earning his Wolf! Way to go!

Kellie DeMille said...

Yeah Jake!!! What a good kid he is!