Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween 2010

Emma and Jake have been begging me for a few years to have a Halloween party. I finally gave in this year. They each were allowed to invite 5 friends. So I had 12 kids to entertain for 4 hours. I made lots of yummy food (at least that is what the kids said) and planned a bunch of games. I had the kids entertained with games and food for 3 of the 4 hours. Then the just danced around, hung out and ate more food the last hour. Emma and Jake thanked me for the party quite a few times so I guess they had fun. Here are a few pictures from the party.

The Food.

Homemade rootbeer with dry ice. My favorite.

Grab the ghost game.

Waiting in line for "pin the wart on the witch"Brandon pinning the wart on the witch.Mr. Bones Bobbing for applesTriumphant!Brandon would not put his face in the water so he held the apple over the bucket and put the stem in his mouth. Hey, you do what you gotta do. :)
Emma attempting to get her apple.

Hanging out and dancing.

The Elementary School had a small carnival. All the kids decided they wanted a balloon. Jake and Brandon wanted motorcycles and Emma got an airplane. Can you see it?

We went to Richfield, Ut for the 5 day weekend to visit family and go trick-or -treating. It was only 25-30 degrees when went trick- or- treating. It was so cold. We didn't go to very many houses but the kids still ended up with plenty of candy.

Here they are in their costumes all bundle up for the cold.

Brandon was a fireman.

Jake was the Prince of Persia.

Emma was a princess.

We had a fun Halloween holiday and visit with family in Utah.


Casey said...

Wow. You put all us moms to shame. How good you are. Not only was it a party but 4 HOURS! I couldn't imagine entertaining 12 kids for that long. You are a saint. I'm sure your kids will never forget that night.

Sarah said...

Very impressive party! I didn't even see the balloon making at the carnival.

Kellie DeMille said...

Wow, what a fun party!! I'm glad it all turned out so well! I thought Jake was Robin Hood, I guess I had better go watch the Prince of Persia :)

kelly said...

looks like so much fun! i love the pin the wart on the witch idea!

Natalie N said...

I hereby award you "Mother of the Year"... seriously! Who puts on a huge shin-dig like that?! Only SuperMoms!! Way to go Melissa. I'm totally impressed with all that you did to put on a fun and memorable party for your kids. :)