Sunday, September 13, 2009

Boys, Tools and Bugs!!!

On Labor Day weekend, Jake and I drove to Southern California to see his best friend Jarrod Dean get baptized. We left at 6:30am and arrived at 10:oo am. We visited with my dearest friend Niccole, had lunch and then went to the baptism. Jarrod's family had an open house afterwards and a lot of the members from my old ward were there and it was so fun to see so many people. Jake had a blast hanging out with all the BOYS from our old ward. Sunday we got up and went to sacrament mtg and headed back to Las Vegas by 10:45am. It was nice to get home early enough to enjoy the rest of the day with Matt, Emma and Brandon. Although I did have fun just hanging out with Jake for the day.

This is Jake and his best buddy Jarrod Dean.

On Monday, Labor day we were busy cleaning out our office and under the stairs to better utilize all the space.
This is Matt and Jake with the TOOLS working on fixing a hole in the closet under the stairs.
Friday night Matt found a praying mantis outside. So he put it in Emma's ecodome and the kids checked out the BUG for awhile. Well, Emma and Jake checked it out Brandon didn't really want to have anything to do with it.
Here is a picture of the lovely praying mantis. I actually do think they are pretty cool.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That is one cool bug house thingy! Sounds like it was a quick but rewarding trip. What a good mom you are to take Jake.