We decided to take the scenic route home so we drove through Duck Creek and ended up in Cedar City. We have been to Duck Creek before and it is beautiful we just have never been there in a snow storm. We decided to stop and have lunch at a little cafe. The kids were able to decorate an ornament and hang it on the tree you see behind us.
While we were eating it continued to snow. By the time we were done there was a good amount of snow on the ground for Brandon to experience snow for the first time. We told him to touch the snow and see what it felt like. He touched it and then said "I want to go back to Las Vegas." Emma and Jake seemed to enjoy it though.
This is Brandon NOT enjoying the snow.
We kept wondering how many more miles until we would reach Cedar City. As you can see we never did find out since the sign was covered in snow. We also passed 2 snowplows. Makes you wonder if maybe we shouldn't have been on that road at the time...
It was a fun ride home. Well, at least for the kids and I. Matt might have a different opinion since he was the one driving in the snow.
Wow, that was a ton of snow! Good job Matt!!!
Awesome snow pictures! I love snow as long as I don't have to be out in the cold for long.
Duck Creek is beautiful! What a great detour. And how cool is it that the kids were able to decorate an ornament. You have to love those small town places.
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