Monday, April 4, 2011

I have a good excuse!

I can't believe I have not posted anything on my blog since Christmas. Even that was just our Christmas card, not even the annual Christmas post. Sad, sad, sad. I have looked at my blog several times in the past 3+ months and have had absolutely no energy or desire to update it. I have been taking pictures but have not downloaded any of them to post.


I found out I was pregnant in the middle of December. We are all very excited but the pregnancy has obviously put a few things on the back burner. Having enough energy to take care of the kids, make dinner, clean house, run errands, etc. sucked the life right out of me. Not to mention feeling sick for 3 months. Anyway, I am feeling better now, not sick anymore just tired. I will be 20 weeks along on Wed. I can't believe I am already halfway there.

The baby is due August 24th but will be delivered about a week before that by c-section. I am really not looking forward to a hot summer of being pregnant but I am so excited to have another baby that I don't really care about the heat.

Look for upcoming posts on what the family has been up to for the past 3+ months.


kelly said...

yeah! We're so excited for you! We are actually expecting another baby, due the first week of september, but they are taking it 2-3 weeks early, so we'll probably be about the same week! so glad you're feeling better!

Annalee said...

Congratulations Melissa.
Wish I were a better friend and kept in touch with you better.
I do like checking your blog for new things though so keep us all posted.

Unknown said...

thanks for dear friend.keeping.

Tyler and Mindy said...

Congrats on the pending baby!!! I wish I could tell you the Vegas summer pregnancy thing is awesome, but it really isn't. Make friends with someone with a pool!!!!

Natalie N said...

"Good" excuse?! Honey, that is a WONDERFUL excuse!!!!!! CONGRATS from us!! Yeah, who cares about the heat?! What a blessing to have another baby!! :) :) :)
Are you going to find out what you're having? Please keep the updates coming!