Monday, October 27, 2008

Brandon and the pumpkin patch

Brandon went on a little field trip today at a pumpkin patch. There was a bouncy house, a bouncy slide and animals to see. He had fun with the animals and in the bouncy house but the bouncy slide was his favorite. He even climb the huge ladder and went down the rather large slide all by himself. Every time he went down the slide his arms were straight in the air and you could hear him giggling and saying "weeeeeee". It was so funny. He even got to take home a little pumpkin of his own and was very proud of his pumpkin. He was so excited to show Emma and Jake when they got home. He kept taking the pumkin off the counter and just walking around with it.


Rachael said...

Is he in a preschool? Sounds like fun!

The Richards said...

Tell Emma congrats on being President. She will do a great job. I hope all is going okay in Vegas. Be sure to post some pics soon so we can see everything. We are on the countdown to Disneyland. Only 45 days!!!!! YaHoo!!!! Can't wait to see you guys there! Kinely said she's excited to see everyone, especially Brandon because she is bigger than he is (whatever that means?)

Tandy said...

Congrats Emma!! I love your glasses.

Ginger Rogers said...

LOVE Mr. Brandon going down the slide! SO DARLING!!!!