Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jake's 7th Birthday

Friday, October 17th was Jake's 7th birthday. He wanted chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. So I made them in the shape of a "7". He thought that was pretty cool. He opened his presents before school becasue Matt had to go to CA for the day and would not be home in time for our little family party. I took treats to his class to celebrate his birthday at school. He wanted turtle cookies (a Summers' family recipe) and smarties. So that is what he got. We ordered Pizza Hut stuffed crust pizza for dinner and had banana splits for dessert instead of cake. Then we watched "Indiana Jones 4". He seemed to have a really good day.
In honor of Jake's birthday I thought I would list a few reason why we love Jake so much.
1. He has an awesome laugh.
2. He has a great sense of humor.
3. He loves to learn new things.
4. He loves his little brother (except when he is in his room uninvited)
5. He loves his sister (except when she is too bossy)
6. He has a great imagination.
7. He likes to help out and go the 2nd mile.
8. He loves church and learning about the gospel.
9. He loves to cuddle. (which is a plus in my book.)
10. He loves to give hugs and kisses for no good reason.(another plus in my book)
Happy Birthday Jake Matthew Summers


Rachael said...

Wouldn't a picture be great to go with this post? Just Kidding!
Happy Birthday Jake! Chocolate Chip Pancakes are my favorite too! We use to eat way too much of them! I have been good lately!

Sarah said...

I'm so excited to get to know you and your great kids (and your husband of course). Happy Birthday Jake.

Graham said...

I'm so glad you are my visiting teaching partner so I can get to know you better! Tell Jake Happy Birthday!