Tuesday, November 4, 2008


In case you cannot figure out what the kids dressed up as I will tell you. Brandon is a monkey or more specifically Curious George. Emma is an Indian Princess and Jake is S.W.A.T. man. On the 30th we went to the school carnival and had a great time. Right after that was the ward trunk or treat and the kids got lots of candy, especially Jake. Friday, Halloween, we drove to Richfield, Utah to visit with Matt's family. The kids were able to dress up one more time and go trick or treating around grandma and grandpa's neighborhood. We had a fun weekend in Richfield.


The Richards said...

The kids look so cute. Mom said you had fun in Richfield. I wish we could have been there. The boys want to stay more with their friends anymore (oh yeah and the pheasant hunt was Saturday morning and Easton did not want to miss that). See ya soon!

Jennifer said...

Zack was that same monkey a few years back. It is such an adorable costume! Looks like the kids were happy for Halloween. :o)