Sunday, November 9, 2008


I Am: a wife and mother
I Want: patience
I Have: a wonderful husband and children
I Miss: my mom
I Fear: losing my husband or kids
I Hear: Jake turning pages and a TV.
I Search: for self control
I Wonder: what the future holds
I Regret: wasted time
I Love: my life
I Forgive: usually
I Ache: for my mother
I Always: hug my children everyday
I Try: to keep a clean house
I Am Not: patient
I Seem: busy
I Know: the gospel is true
I Feel: blessed
I Dance: with my kids
I Dream: everynight
I Give: when I can
I Listen: not enough
I Sing: to my kids
I Laugh: a lot
I Can't: do math
I Write: in a journal
I Cry: when the spirit touches me
I Sleep: on my left side
I Am not always: happy
I See: not very well (contacts)
I Need: to have a better attitude apparently
I Should: count my blessings more often.

Let's hear from you now....Natalie, Danica, Fontana friends and anyone else up for the challenge.


Jossie said...

So now that I know you have a blog I am totally linking yours to mine if that's alright with you, of course :-)

Rachael said...

Do you have a bad attitude? I don't think you do! I am glad you did this little getting to know you quiz!

Sarah said...

I also "try" to have a clean house. Right now that constitutes about half of the house, but some is better than none.

Natalie N said...

Oh man. Thanks for the tag! I'm in need of some new blog material, so I'll have to try this one out...