Monday, November 16, 2009

A Thanksgiving Poem

I had to do sharing time yesteday. I decided to do the lesson on gratitude/thankfulness and compare our lives today with the lives of the pioneers. I think it turned out pretty well.

Here is the poem I read and gave to all the kids that summed up the point I was trying to get across.

I Think of Pioneers

Sometimes when I must walk to school, it seems a long, long way. I get to feeling tired and would like to stop and play. But then I think of pioneers who walked by sun and star; And suddenly my little walk doesn’t seem so far.

Sometimes on cold, dark winter nights I crawl beneath the sheet and wish I had a cozy place to warm my chilly feet. But then I think of pioneers who camped outside all night and only had a fire’s glow to give them warmth and light.

Sometimes when I am hungry and want something good to eat, my mother gives me carrots when I’d rather have a sweet. But then I think of pioneers who thanked God and were glad for anything at all to eat—my carrots aren’t so bad.

Sometimes when I have chores to do and I would rather play, I think of pioneers and know they worked most all the day. And so I guess I can’t complain about things that I must do, for when I think of pioneers, I’m very blessed—aren’t you?

By, Sandy Halvorson
Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

As I told you yesterday, your sharing time was my very favorite, and this poem worked so perfectly with it.