Tuesday, August 30, 2011
First day of school Texas style
Monday, August 29, 2011
Introducing Natalie...
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Dang computers....
Hopefully I will get things figured out soon so I will be able to post pictures of the house, the baby and the kids first day of school.
Life is good and we feel very blessed. I will feel even more blessed when I get to bring home a healthy baby girl! Can't wait! Hopefully only 3 1/2 more weeks! Fingers crossed!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Texas Update
So.....Texas is HOT! The first thing I noticed when I got off the plane almost a month ago was how weird my flip flops felt in the heat. I don't know how to explain it except it feels like they are melting and sticking to your feet at the same time.
We are adjusting to the heat though. Living in Las Vegas for 2+ years is helping us adjust I think. We utilize the community pool frequently. It is great fun and I can just sit in the 1 foot 8 inch section and relax while the kids swim. It is great.
The kids are adjusting just great. Emma was able to go to Girl's Camp a week ago and had a great time. She is not technically in YW's until August 4th but they are letting her go anyway. She has made some really great friends. Jake has also quickly made friends and attended his first pack meeting this week and had a great time. Brandon is adjusting to Texas life and new people and has lots and lots of questions about why we are even here in Texas.
I enrolled Jake and Brandon into their new elementary school a couple of weeks ago and it looks wonderful. We were able to get a little tour of the school and Brandon said "I want summer to be over so I can go to school tomorrow." I really hope he feels the same way the first day of school. :)
The house is pretty much put away. There are a few boxes still needing to be sorted and put away. We even have pictures put up so it looks like "our" house. The garage is another story but that is not my territory. Thank goodness.
I am currently 33 1/2 weeks along. I have been told by my new doctor that she will schedule my c-section at 38 1/2 weeks. So I only have to wait 5 more weeks to see my very wiggly, busy baby girl. I hope it goes fast. I dread nighttime because I can't sleep very well and I am NEVER comfortable. Anyway, we are almost ready with the baby things washed, sorted, etc. So we are ready for her to come.
I have been busy getting all the kids school things bought and ready as well. They start school a week after the baby comes.
We miss all our Las Vegas friends but truly know that this is where we are suppose to be.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Yeehaw we made it to Texas!
The kids and I went to Walmart for the essentials. Luckily the house we are renting came with a fridge and washer and dryer. So we were set for the weekend.
The moving truck finally came on Sunday afternoon. It is now 10:45pm and we all have our own beds to sleep in tonight! YEAH!!
So once I get my house all put together and organized I will take some pictures and post them.
So far we all like Houston. We have even made some new friends already! Yeah for church.
More Texas adventure to come....
Friday, June 10, 2011
Bye Bye Las Vegas, Hello Houston
Matt and Jake will be driving to Texas over the weekend and part of next week.
Emma, Brandon and I are staying in Las Vegas with friends until Wednesday night and then we fly to Houston.
Hopefully the moving trucks will be to Houston by Wednesday or Thursday and we can get settled by the weekend.
So.....who knows the next time I will be posting a blog. All I know is that it will be from Texas!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Mother's Day 2010
Monday, May 9, 2011
Brandon's Amazing Talents
You can't really tell from this picture but he put his eyeballs in backward.
So he needed to switch his eyeballs around.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Easter 2011
Saturday evening we colored Easter eggs. The kids always have a fun time coloring the eggs. Brandon had way to many questions though about how the eggs turn colors.
Easter morning we got up a little earlier than usual because we have church at 9am. The kids checked out their baskets really quick and then had to get ready for church. I think everyone was happy with their Easter baskets this year.
Brandon carefully trying to open a plastic egg so all the jellybeans don't fall out.
I love how Jake chose to carry his basket around his neck.
Somehow I forgot to take a picutre of the kids in their new Easter clothes. You will just have to trust me that Emma looked beautiful and the boys looked handsome in their matching ties.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Mormon Fort in Las Vegas
This looked like where some people would live while keeping watch over the fort.
Emma pretending to protect the fort.