Monday, February 1, 2010


Ok I am so sick of seeing my Christmas post that I just had to post something else pictures or not. The month of January turned out to be a fairly busy one I guess. Busy enough that I did not have time or find time to download (or is it upload) pictures and write a post or two.
So here is the lowdown on the Summers' family happenings in January.

Emma officially started home school. So now both she and Jake are home with me and we all love it. We are having a great time with all of our adventures, new things we are learning, and our extra free time. I do have to run them to the school 2x a week for G.A.T.E. and a 3rd time for Emma to go to choir. We also went to the Bodies Exhibit for a field trip last week, which was gross but intersting.
Also, Brandon goes to a playgroup 2x a week and speech 2x a week so I feel a bit like a taxi but that is fine with me.

I was also busy planning the Primary quarterly activity. It turned out great and I think everyone had a good time getting to know their teachers and classmates.

Matt had his 35th birthday. We celebrated with his family in Utah.
The next day Jake had a wrestling tournament in Richfield, Ut. We spent most of the day at the tournament and some with Matt's family. The kids and I went up to Utah a few days before the
tournament and spent some time with my dad and step-mom. It snowed while we were there and the kids had fun playing in the snow while I sat inside drinking hot chocolate. We also made chocolate snow and it was awesome. This I took pictures of so I will explain it later.

I had my first mammogram. This I did not take pictures are welcome. It was just a routine exam but a weird experience indeed.

Brandon got strep throat last week but got a shot of penicillin so he got better fast. Thank goodness.

That pretty much sums up what I have been up to in January. I know it may not sound like much but it was enough to keep me busy. Even as I speak my kids are calling for me needing something ASAP. I love my life....really I do.


Sarah said...

I always wish they would give my kids a shot instead of medicine for 10 days! How did you get so lucky?

Natalie N said...

What? No pictures of the mammogram experience? JUST kidding! :)

How exciting to do home school with the kids. Sounds like it's going really well for you guys. Thanks for the update. Good to hear what you all have been up to.

Rachael said...

I loved the body exhibit. I thought the fetus part was amazing!