Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Quick trip to Utah. BRRRRR!!!!

We went to Utah the week of January 21-24th. We first stopped and visited with my dad and step mom. My sister in law and her 3 kids came down one night for a visit. The kids had fun playing in the snow, building snowmen, and going for a ride on the 4 wheeler with Grandpa Milo. We made chocolate snow and had a great time.
This is Brandon running away after he threw a "snowball" at Emma.

Emma and Jake's snowball fight in action.

Jake's miniature Snowman. He later made a Snowwoman but I did not go back out ot take another picture. It was way to cold by then.

These are the cousins. For some reason, Emma is not in the picture.

I did not even think to bring the kids hiking boots. I guess I didn't realize it was going to snow so much. So the next day when were there Grandpa Milo fixed Jake up with some "snowboots" Which was actually Jake's feet in his shoes in Grandpa Milo's boots. It worked great.
This is Grandpa Milo getting Jake already to play in the snow with his new "boots".

Jake and Grandpa Milo getting ready for a ride on the 4 wheeler. Jake was freezing when he got back and he wasn't even gone that long.

This is how you make CHOCOLATE SNOW.

1. Collect newly fallen CLEAN snow.
2. Put some in a bowl.
3. Add chocolate syrup or chocolate powder.
4. Mix well and eat.
5. Enjoy.

Tastes like a fudgesicle. YUMMY!

Obviously Brandon is enjoying his chocolate snow. Another satisfied customer.

The weather was freezing but we still had visiting with everyone. I plan on going back in the spring when all the snow is gone.


Kellie DeMille said...

Wow, that was a lot of snow. I wouldn't go back until the spring either!

Natalie N said...

Mmmm the Chocolate Snow/fudgesicle thing sounds cool! I've never heard of anything like it, but I think I'd be willing to try it some time! :)

And cute pictures of Mr. Primary boy. Brandon does look super handsome!